1. firebehavioR::bulldozer
    Bitmap of bulldozer Bitmap image of bulldozer
  2. firebehavioR::coForest
    Colorado dry forest inventory summary.
  3. firebehavioR::fboTable
    Fire Behavior Officer's table
  4. firebehavioR::fireChartData
    Template data for fire characteristics chart
  5. firebehavioR::firefighter
    Bitmap of firefighter Bitmap image of bulldozer
  6. firebehavioR::fuelModels
    Surface fuel models.
  7. firebehavioR::fuelMoisture
    Modified Scott & Burgan (2005) moisture scenarios.
  8. firebehavioR::kbdiTable
    KBDI Lookup table
  9. firebehavioR::plume
    Bitmap of fire plume Bitmap image of fire plume
  10. firebehavioR::rrRAWS
    Rampart Range RAWS meteorological data
  11. firebehavioR::tree
    Bitmap of burning tree Bitmap image of burning tree